Intimate partner violence is associated with poorer maternal mental health and breastfeeding practices in Bangladesh

Journal article

This study aimed to: (1) identify factors associated with IPV during pregnancy and postpartum in Bangladesh; and (2) assess the associations between IPV and maternal mental health and breastfeeding practices. In conclusion, IPV is pervasive in Bangladesh and is linked to increased risks of CMD and poor breastfeeding practices. Integrating effective interventions to mitigate IPV, along with routine maternal and child health services and involving men in counselling services, could help both to reduce exposure to IPV among women and to contribute to better health outcomes for women and children.


Tran, L. M., P. H. Nguyen, R. T. Naved, and P. Menon (2020) Intimate partner violence is associated with poorer maternal mental health and breastfeeding practices in Bangladesh. Health Policy and Planning, Volume 35, Issue Supplement_1, November 2020, Pages i19–i29.