Climate change: an urgent priority for health policy and systems research

Journal article

Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is well positioned to accelerate the needed response and transformation. HPSR could make countless contributions to address the climate challenge. We highlight three interlinked reasons, which should motivate the HPSR community to prioritize a focus on climate change. First, HPSR is crucial to understanding the impact and implications of climate change. Second, HPSR is essential to developing and designing both climate change mitigation and adaptation policies within the health sector. Third, by helping transform the health sector in response to climate change, the HPSR community can demonstrate leadership and develop linkages both within and beyond the health sector to respond to climate change and create healthier populations. The HPSR community must urgently consider and engage with climate change. As countries and policymakers continue to address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the focus will be on ‘building back better’.


Marten, R., S. Yangchen, D. Campbell-Lendrum, E. Villalobos Prats, M. P. Neira, and A. Ghaffar (2020), Climate change: an urgent priority for health policy and systems research. Health Policy and Planning, czaa165,