Committing to implementation research for health systems to manage and control non-communicable diseases

Journal article

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic demands a new lens to focus on NCDs. Closing the gap in research and adapting evidence-based interventions to understand how to implement and improve programme and service delivery is a complex challenge, but an absolute necessity to achieve the SDGs. SDG target 3.4 commits countries to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by a third by 2030 (relative to 2015 levels).


Marten R., B. Mikkelsen, R. Shao, L. dal Zennaro, N. Berdzuli, T. Fernando, A. Hammerich, A. Hennis, H. Shin, S. Shongwe, A. Ghaffar. (2020). Committing to implementation research for health systems to manage and control non-communicable diseases. Lancet Global Health. Lancet Global Health. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30485-X