Barriers to implementing guideline recommendations to improve childbirth care: a rapid review of evidence

Journal article

The authors conducted this research to identify potential barriers to the implementation of the National Childbirth Guidelines in Brazil based on the best available global evidence. A rapid review of evidence was performed in six databases in March/April 2019. Secondary studies published in English, Spanish, or Portuguese with a focus on barriers of any nature relating to the implementation of the Guidelines were retrieved. The results show that combined approaches may be required to address different barriers to the implementation of the Guidelines. For successful implementation, it is essential to engage health care leaders, professionals, and users in the effort to change the delivery and childbirth care model. Also necessary is the development of intersectoral initiatives to improve the socio-economic conditions of women and families and to curtail gender inequalities.


Oliveira, C.F., A. Â. V. Ribeiro, C. D. Luquine Jr., M. C. de Bortoli, T. S. Toma, E. M. G. Chapman, and J. O. M. Barreto (2021). Barriers to implementing guideline recommendations to improve childbirth care: a rapid review of evidence. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2021;45:e7.