Co-production of knowledge must move further and faster to strengthen health systems

Journal article

Since 2012, the WHO and the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research have recommended an enhanced focus on co-production to ensure greater collaboration between researchers and the intended users of knowledge and to enable the embedding of research into health systems and policies. Despite this momentum, knowledge which is co-produced with shared power and responsibility between researchers and research users such as patients, caregivers, clinicians, programme managers and policymakers, is still not the norm. Co-production exists in pockets of good practice and in piecemeal projects, but the vision of a research ecosystem with co-production at its centre remains aspirational. There are interdisciplinarity and ethical challenges, which require additional resources for practical issues such as longer-time periods for engagement. However, It is needed to know more about what works, and what does not, in the co-production of knowledge to further inform the design and development of co-production.


Marten, R., R. Hinton, C. Chatfield, and A. Ghaffar (2021). Co-production of knowledge must move further and faster to strengthen health systems. BMJ 2021;372.