Co-production of knowledge to strengthen Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme

Journal article

The authors address that to build evidence for NHIS reform in Ghana that drew on different perspectives, the Technical Review Committee held discussions with health providers, academics, local and international experts, legislators, civil society, and hosted public fora. The Committee proposed evidence-based solutions to challenges across four priority areas: sustainability, efficiency, equity, and accountability and user satisfaction. A national stakeholder meeting was conducted to build consensus and endorse the Committee’s final recommendations. Despite some challenges, the co-production approach for NHIS reform overcame previous tensions to strengthen co-ownership of the review process and collaboration among diverse stakeholders. As co-production approaches continue to be used within reform efforts in Ghana, the NHIS experience reinforces substantial benefits can be gained from genuine partner engagement in the co-production of knowledge.


Atim, C., and A. Fenny (2021). Co-production of knowledge to strengthen Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme. BMJ 2021;372.