Rethinking research processes to strengthen co-production in low and middle income countries

Journal article

In this study, the authors address that researchers are being asked to co-produce research with relevant stakeholders, without being given the appropriate tools and resources to do this effectively. The research agenda and its development and implementation should have more active involvement from lay participants, healthcare providers, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Also, training and funding processes need to be rethought and adapted to facilitate co-production more routinely.


Beran, D., M. A. Pesantes, M. C. Berghusen, B. J. Hennig, J. Jacobi, M. Lazo-Porras, A. Llanque, E. Placella, C. Robledo-Abad, M. T. Bayona, and J. J. Miranda (2021). Rethinking research processes to strengthen co-production in low and middle income countries. BMJ 2021;372:m4785