Strengthening capacities and resource allocation for co-production of health research in low and middle income countries

Journal article

The authors address strengthening health research co-production capacity is a relatively neglected but important area of work in low and middle income countries. And they emphasize that health research co-production has the potential to make a difference to health outcomes in LMICs. Capacity strengthening and sustainable resourcing for medium to long term co-production efforts are needed to realise this potential. Co-production capacity building needs to target multiple stakeholders, including patients and communities, practitioners, policy makers, and academics, to develop their skills and confidence to contribute as equal participants in the process.


Agyepong, I. A., S. Godt, I. Sombie, C. Binka, V. Okine, and M. G. Ingabire (2021). Strengthening capacities and resource allocation for co-production of health research in low and middle income countries. BMJ 2021;372:n166.