International experiences with co-production and people centredness offer lessons for covid-19 responses

Journal article

This research points out that for too long, health research and the development of health policies and interventions have been done to, and not with, communities and individuals, often leading to failure. And the covid-19 pandemic has shown the importance of strengthening the co-production of health research and provision of health services by embedding a people-centred approach at all levels of healthcare in all countries. To build back better, researchers and policymakers need to rethink how to involve communities in the co-production of research, knowledge, and health systems. Power dynamics between different groups create barriers that must be dealt with if progress is to be made.


Turk, E., A. Durrance-Bagale, E. Han, S. Bell, S. Rajan, M. M. M. Lota, C. Ochu, M. L. Porras, P. Mishra, G. Frumence, M. McKee, and H. Legido-Quigley (2021). International experiences with co-production and people centredness offer lessons for covid-19 responses. BMJ 2021;372:m4752.