Collective sensemaking for action: researchers and decision makers working collaboratively to strengthen health systems

Journal article

The authors address that research co-production supports the mobilisation of multiple knowledge sources within a given setting and co-production re-imagines the power dynamics of knowledge production. Also, long-term collaboration and trust-based relationships support co-production. Co-production processes can support improved health system decision-making practice. Thus, research funders must also be open to new research approaches and to supporting long-term collaborations to strengthen health system decision-making.


Gilson, L., E. Barasa, L. Brady, N. Kagwanja, N. Nxumalo, J. Nzinga, S. Molyneux, and B.Tsofa (2021). Collective sensemaking for action: researchers and decision makers working collaboratively to strengthen health systems. BMJ 2021;372:m4650.