Co-producing the covid-19 response in Germany, Hong Kong, Lebanon, and Pakistan

Journal article

The key messages of this research are that the covid-19 response is creating the opportunity for an accelerated and inclusive shift towards co-production for policymaking. It has brought a focus to three cross-cutting issues: building on established structures; working together to co-produce research, and disseminating research and engaging communities. The covid-19 pandemic has forced policymakers to rethink the formal and informal structures of how, where, when, and with whom they collaborate, including with researchers as well as the broader public, patients, and communities. Unprecedented levels of public attention during the covid-19 pandemic have posed new challenges to evidence-based policymaking, particularly in terms of communicating sometimes complicated science and dealing with an overabundance of information.


Marten, R., F. El-Jardali, A. Hafeez, J. Hanefeld, G. M. Leung, and A. Ghaffar (2021). Co-producing the covid-19 response in Germany, Hong Kong, Lebanon, and Pakistan. BMJ 2021;372:n243.