Embedding research into health services in Latin America and the Caribbean: experiences and challenges of the Technical Support Center

Journal article

This article describes the main integration models, the successful experiences and the challenges of the joint work of researchers and responsible for making decisions that participate in the Initiative Incorporação da Pesquisa para Avançar no Fulfillment Two Objectives of Sustainable Development (Embedding Research for the Sustainable Development Goals, ER-SDG) is the experience of the Technical Support Center (CAT). The authors address that it should be emphasized the need to respect and take advantage of each context and the roots and parents of the relationship between researchers and those responsible for making decisions creating incentives for integration.


Becerril-Montekio, V., P. Torres-Pereda, L. A. García-Bello, and J. Alcalde-Rabanal (2021). Embedding research into health services in Latin America and the Caribbean: experiences and challenges of the Technical Support Center. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2021;45:e19.