Time to reconceptualise health systems

Journal article

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to expose tremendous vulnerabilities in every country's health system. It also highlights deficiencies in existing conceptualisations of health systems that overlook health security and health promotion. The global spread of COVID-19 has focused attention on roles of health systems in managing health emergencies. At the same time, more than 70% of deaths are now caused by non-communicable diseases. Investing in both health security and health promotion is acute and urgent. Considering the goals of health security and health promotion separately, however, frames policy decisions as making investments in one or the other, which is a false dichotomy obscuring the interconnected and central role of health systems in addressing both goals and achieving universal health coverage.


Shroff, Z. C., R. Marten, J. Vega, D. H. Peters, W. Patcharanarumol and A. Ghaffar (2021) Time to reconceptualise health systems. Published Online 24 May 24 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01019-9