Cross-cutting lessons from the Decision-Maker Led Implementation Research initiative

Journal article

Almost 20 million children under one year of age did not receive basic vaccines in 2019, and most of these children lived in low- and middle-income countries. Implementation research has been recognized as an emerging area that is critical to strengthen the implementation of interventions proven to be effective. As a component of strengthening implementation, WHO has called for greater embedding of research within decision-making processes. One strategy to facilitate the embedding of research is to engage decision-makers as Principal Investigators of the research. Since 2015, the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research within the WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund have supported decision-maker led research by partnering with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in an initiative called Decision-Maker Led Implementation Research. This synthesis paper describes the cross-cutting lessons from the initiative to further understand and develop future use of the decision-maker led strategy.


Mancuso, A., Ahmed Malm, S., Sharkey, A. et al. Cross-cutting lessons from the Decision-Maker Led Implementation Research initiative. Health Res Policy Sys 19, 83 (2021).