The synergy between Expanded Program on Immunization and Polio Eradication Initiative in Pakistan: a policy and program exploration

Journal article

Until recently, Pakistan had achieved significant milestones in polio eradication, and was close to becoming polio-free. The country has an Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) since 1978 and a Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI) since 1994. PEI and EPI need to carry out synergized activities during the last leg of polio eradication; EPI taking over the responsibility for a polio-free Pakistan. Knowing the understanding and implementation of the synergy between the two programs is important at this critical juncture.


Haq Z, Chandio AK, Zafar S, Iqbal F, Naeem A, Karim S. The synergy between Expanded Program on Immunization and Polio Eradication Initiative in Pakistan: a policy and program exploration. Journal of Global Health Reports. 2021;5:e2021081. doi:10.29392/001c.26146