Desiraju’s initiative in developing mental health policy stands out

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After Keshav Desiraju retired, I had been in touch with him and worked closely with him on a number of different initiatives, where he was serving in an advisory role, several of them around mental health. Living in Tamil Nadu, which has several NGOs working on mental health, he was closely involved and helpful, as it was something he was very passionate about. He was also serving in advisory role to some WHO departments, including the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, where he brought a very unique perspective as somebody who had been a policy maker and a decision maker, and who understood the importance of health system research for a policy maker. He was due to finish his term on the board of the Alliance in December. So, that is another area where he is going to be very sorely missed.


Swaminathan, S. (2021) Desiraju’s initiative in developing mental health policies stands out. New Delhi, India: Times of India. Accessed 27 September 2021