Learning health systems: pathways to progress

Flagship report

Learning – at individual, team, organization and cross-organization levels – is fundamental to health systems strengthening and the achievement of health goals. Yet, many health systems, especially in LMICs, still do not have adequate capacity to generate and use the knowledge that they need to be effective. Investments in learning activities tend to be a remarkably small proportion of overall investments in health programmes and systems, and learning-focused activities have historically not found place or favour in budgets when compared with other health system priorities. This report advances a comprehensive understanding of what is meant by – and how to create – learning health systems. It outlines the benefits of learning health systems and the actions needed to build such systems.


Sheikh K, Abimbola S, editors. (2021) Learning health systems: pathways to progress. Flagship report of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Geneva: World Health Organization.