Institutional roles, structures, funding and research partnerships towards evidence-informed policy-making: a multisector survey among policy-makers in Nigeria

Journal article

Evidence-informed policy-making aims to ensure that the best and most relevant evidence is systematically generated and used for policy-making. The aim of this study was to assess institutional structures, funding, policy-maker perspectives on researcher–policy-maker interactions and the use of research evidence in policy-making in five states in Nigeria.


Uneke, C.J., I. N. Okedo‑Alex, I. C. Akamike, B. I. Uneke, I. I. Eze, O. E. Chukwu, K. I. Otubo, H. C. Urochukwu Institutional roles, structures, funding and research partnerships towards evidence-informed policy-making: a multisector survey among policy-makers in Nigeria. Health Res Policy Sys 21, 36 (2023).