Community engagement platforms for compassionate respectful and caring health service: challenges and opportunities, in Sululta district, Ethiopia

Journal article

While evidences existed on the effectiveness of community engagement (CE) in improving outcomes and quality of health care, little is known about the best available community engagement platforms for Compassionate and Respectful Care (CRC) service improvement. Therefore, this journal aims to explore CE platforms to improve CRC, the facilitators and barriers to successfully implementing these platforms.


Kefiyalew, B., T. Tadele, Z. Mekonnen, B. Tilahun, B. Anteneh, A. Teklu (2022) Community engagement platforms for compassionate respectful and caring health service: challenges and opportunities, in Sululta district, Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Biomed Sci 12(1SpecialIssue): 51–63. doi: 10.20372/ejhbs.v12i1SpecialIssue.324.