The role of community engagement on compassionate, respectful and caring health service: perceived effectiveness among health staff in the health system of Ethiopia

Journal article

Even though health staffs’ attitudes have been identified as a main factor in influencing the proper functioning of community engagement, evidences showed that perception of health workers about community engagement for improving the Compassionate Respectful and Caring (CRC) service is very low in Ethiopia. The study aimed to explore the health staffs’ perception towards community engagement for the improvement of CRC in Sululta district, Oromia special zone, Ethiopia.


Anteneh, B., B. Kefyalew, T. Tadele, B. Tilahun, A. Teklu, Z. Mekonnen (2022) The role of community engagement on compassionate, respectful and caring health service: perceived effectiveness among health staff in the health system of Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Biomed Sci 12(1SpecialIssue): 39–49. doi: 10.20372/ejhbs.v12i1SpecialIssue.325.