Importance of CRC in-service training on implementation of compassionate and respectful care delivery, in Gondar Town governmental health facilities northwest Ethiopia

Journal article

The Ethiopian national Health Sector highlighted the importance of creating compassionate, respectful and caring health workforce as a major pillar to improve the quality of health care services. As a result the sector incorporated compassionate, respectful care in the transformation plan I. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of CRC In-Service Training on Implementation of Compassionate and Respectful Care Delivery.


Desalegn, F., Z. Abebaw, M. Mekonnen, B. Tilahun (2022) Importance of CRC in-service training on implementation of compassionate and respectful care delivery, in Gondar Town governmental health facilities northwest Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Biomed Sci 12(1SpecialIssue): 19–37. doi: 10.20372/ejhbs.v12i1SpecialIssue.323.