Exploring barriers and enablers of compassionate and respectful care implementation in pre-service education in Ethiopia

Journal article

The health sector mainly demands a better result of health outcomes and impacts by ensuring integrated compassionate and respectful care into pre-service education that dramatically changes health workforce pride, ethics, compassion, and person-centered care. It brings high-quality healthcare systems. It is critical to building sustainable, equitable, and healthy teaching environments. Therefore, this study aimed at exploring the implementation of compassionate and respectful care in pre-service education in Ethiopia.


Geta, A., A. Teklu, K. Jemal, B. Tilahun (2022) Exploring barriers and enablers of compassionate and respectful care implementation in pre-service education in Ethiopia. Ethiop J Health Biomed Sci 12(1SpecialIssue): 5–18. doi: 10.20372/ejhbs.v12i1SpecialIssue.318.