Embedded implementation research on compassionate and respectful care services in the Ethiopian health system

Journal article

One of the key factors that distinguish a thriving health care service delivery system is its ability to deliver excel-lent medical care to its citizens. Starting in 2021, the Ministry of Health has been collaborating with the University of Gondar and the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research of the World Health Organization on an initiative for embedded implementation research on compassionate and respectful care services. This article gives an overview of a special issue that brings together the findings from the original studies that have been conducted under this initiative, which explore a wide range of issues, from the role and impact of performance appraisal in enhancing CRC to the implementation of CRC in pre-service education as well as in in-service training.


Tilahun, B., A. Samuel, A. Teklu, B. Kefyalew, A. Nigussie, M. Feletto (2022) Embedded implementation research on compassionate and respectful care services in the Ethiopian health system. Ethiop J Health Biomed Sci 12 (1SpecialIssue):1-3. https://doi.org/10.20372/ejhbs.v12i1SpecialIssue.326