Learning from COVID-19 to prevent and prepare for pandemics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Journal article

Preparing for and responding to health emergencies in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) presents major technical, operational and political challenges. Effective response to health and humanitarian emergencies is often constrained by insecurity, disrupted health systems, limited local capacities, bureaucratic impediments, insufficient partners with operational presence and underfunding. This article brings about a brief literature review on recommendations for pandemic preparedness in the EMRO region.


Brennan R. J., Z. A. Memish, A. Rashidian, A. Abubakar, W. Khan, A. Ghaffar (2022) Learning from COVID-19 to prevent and prepare for pandemics in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. BMJ Glob. Health 12 (7:e009912). doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2022-009912.