Asserting public health interest in acting on commercial determinants of health in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from a discourse analysis

Journal article

The actors influencing the commercial determinants of health (CDOH) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have different interests and lenses around the costs and benefits of market influences in health. The authors analysed the views and priorities on CDOH in the discourse of global and regional agencies, SSA governments, private investors and companies, civil society and academia through a desk review of online publications post-2010, validated by purposively selected key informant interviews.


Loewenson, R., S. Godt, P. Chanda-Kapata (2022) Asserting public health interest in acting on commercial determinants of health in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from a discourse analysis. BMJ Glob. Health 7(7):e009271.