Rapid reviews for health policy and systems decision-making: more important than ever before

Journal article

Due to the explosion in rapid reviews in the literature during COVID-19, their utility in universal health coverage and in other routine situations, there is now a need to document and further advance the application of rapid review methods, particularly in low-resource settings where a scarcity of resources may preclude the production of a full systematic review. This is the introductory article for a series of articles to further the discussion of rapid reviews for health policy and systems decision-making.


Tricco, A.C., S. E. Straus, A. Ghaffar, E. V. Langlois (2022) Rapid reviews for health policy and systems decision-making: more important than ever before. Syst Rev 11, 153. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13643-022-01887-7