Functionality of technical working groups in enabling evidence-informed decision-making within Malawi's Ministry of Health: a cross-sectional qualitative study

Journal article

The roles and functionality of technical working groups (TWGs) in the health sectors vary across countries, still they aim to support government and ministries in formulating evidence-informed recommendations for policies and facilitate dialogue and alignment of activities among stakeholders within the health sector. Thus, TWGs have a role in enhancing the functionality and effectiveness of the health system structure. However, in Malawi, the functionality of TWGs and how they utilize research evidence to contribute to decision-making is not monitored. This study sought to understand the TWGs' performance and functionality in enabling evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) in Malawi's health sector.


Sakala, M., M. S. Chawani, I. Kazanga-Chiumia, H. Hara, L. Abdullahi, D. Kambalame, J. Banda, C. Mitambo, A. Terlouw & R. Oronje (2023). Functionality of technical working groups in enabling evidence-informed decision-making within Malawi's Ministry of Health: a cross-sectional qualitative study. Health Res Policy Sys 21, 44 (2023).