Partners’ HPSR report – 2021
Country profiles
Credits and disclaimers
Partners’ health policy and systems research report, 2021
© World Health Organization 2021
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The Partners’ HPSR Report 2021 was written by:
Country profiles (listed alphabetically, by country name):
Cambodia: Chhorvann Chhea, Sovky Ma (National Institutes of Public Health, Ministry of Health); China: Qingyue Meng, Ping He (China Centre for Health Development Studies, Peking University); Colombia: Rolando Enrique Peñaloza Quintero (Instituto de Salud Pública, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana); Ethiopia: Binyam Tilahun (University of Gondar); Georgia: George Gotzadze, Maia Uchaneishvili (Curatio International Foundation); Ghana: Matilda Aberese-Ako, Robert Kaba Alhassan, Margaret Gyapong (University of Health and Allied Science); Indonesia: Shita Dewi (Centre for Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Madas); Lebanon: Fadi El-Jardali, Racha Fadlallah (Knowledge to Policy Centre, American University of Beirut); Mexico: Miguel González-Block (Universidad Anáhuac); Niger: Aïssa Diarra (Laboratoire d’Études et de Recherches sur les Dynamiques Sociales et le Developpement Local (LASDEL)); Pakistan: Maryam Huda, Sameen Siddiqi (Aga Khan University); Philippines: Katherine Ann Reyes, Alfredo Jose Ballesteros, Jeremiah Serrano (Department of Health Policy and Administration, College of Public Health, University of the Philippines Manila); South Africa: Lucy Gilson, Melisa Smuts (Health Policy and Systems Division, School of Public Health and Family Medicine, University of Cape Town); Trinidad and Tobago: Andrea Yearwood (Independent); Uganda: Rhodah Wanyenze, Aloysius Ssennyonjo, Rebecca Nuwematsiko (School of Public Health, Makerere University); Viet Nam: Bui Thi Thu Ha (Hanoi University of Public Health).
Global HPSR entities (listed alphabetically, by entity name):
Health Systems Global: Barbara McPake, Adnan Hyder, Tolib Mirzoev, Eva Slawecki; Results for Development, Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator: Nathan Blanchet, Amanda Folsom, Kavita Hatipoglu, Nkem Wellington, Gina Lagomarsino.
A team from the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research helped to coordinate data collection, write, edit and design the digital Report. Team members included: Aku Kwamie, Jeffrey Knezovich, Livia Dal Zennaro and Abdul Ghaffar.
The authors are grateful to the country institutions and ministries of health for their assistance in providing information and for their invaluable comments and contributions to the development of this Report.
Special thanks are extended to Angela Hawke for writing and editorial assistance.